
I’ve Moved!


Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been a little, you know, MIA, but it’s for good reason! I’ve decided to revamp myself and my blog. Sometimes we just need to start fresh.

This is me now:

My new blog is now called The Beautiful Elements. You can still expect the usual content that I’ve been blogging about except I will touch a little more on other things such as gardening and travel.

Feel free to start here where I discuss why I’m reinventing myself:

Let me know if you’ve got any feedbacks for me. I hope to see you there! We’ve got lots to catch up on!

Stand Strong, America and Spread Love

“If we are strong, our strength will speak for itself. If we are weak, words will be no help.” -John F. Kennedy

No matter who would have won the vote, with either of the two biggest candidates, we were bound to venture into new waters, whether it be the First Woman or the celebrity business man. One thing is clear: we as a nation are ready for a change. The biggest problem, aside from having to live with each other, is pinpointing a change we can all agree on. We need a change that doesn’t currently seem achievable because we don’t know exactly what kind we need, what we can agree on, and what we can live with.


The Magic of Fall

Have I formally announced how much I love fall? I love the crispness in the air more than anything. It makes me feel alive. I love the changing of the leaves. It adds romance to the air. It serves as a reminder of change. Summer feels too much like the same day everyday, but you can see the change in the world when fall arrives. The days get shorter. The bugs are gone. The leaves change colors. It was always my favorite time of the year to ride horses. I could enjoy the view and the company. I could enjoy the sound of the leaves crackling underfoot. It makes more sense during this time of the year and through the winter to light candles and enjoy not only its scent but its light. And I enjoy hot drinks more. More tea, more hot chocolate, and- dare I say it?- more coffee.
