Inspirational Words

Looking Less At My Phone

Doing things that makes me look less at my phone is something that I’m constantly striving to achieve. It’s what I’ve been doing a little bit this week, so apologizes for this delayed post.

Somewhere along the way, I started getting caught up on the things that happen on my phone, such as reading blogs, Pinterest, Facebook, emails, and so on. Life definitely happens beyond my phone. I used to be next to impossible to reach because I never looked at my phone, therefore never answering all these poor people trying to reach me. There is something simple and almost romantic in leading a life without being super attached to my phone.


Weathering the Storm

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, those of us on the east coast are preparing for Hurricane Irma.

Most of us feel Houston’s pain and are hoping no one else has to go through it again. Fingers crossed for us on the east coast. Already two in Puerto Rico have lost their lives to this storm, this deadly storm is leaving many of us feeling dreaded. Miami evacuated and as of this morning, the new predicted route now includes Charleston. We might be facing another evacuation, just one year after Hurricane Matthew. I can tell you that the people of Charleston haven’t forgotten that. Even before this morning’s new route, we were out of water supplies last night at several stores.


Surrounded by Creative People

I never quite thought about it until I read these words, but it’s true. I admire almost every creative individual that I have met because they really do love life in their own creative way. I admire the gardeners for planting and giving back beauty to the world. I admire painters for painting their vision to put into feeling what you can’t put into words. I admire interior designers for spreading every day beauty into other people’s homes. I admire cookers for bringing joy by filling others bellies. I admire writers for embellishing words that ignites the imagination.

However, they are by no means the only group of people I admire. How about you?

2017: A New Beginning

iPhone wallpaper #iPhone wallpaper #xmasWallpaper:

I love New Years. I love everyone’s can and will- do’s attitude. It inspires me to freshen up my intentions. That’s right. I said intentions- not resolutions. It takes an amazing amount of willpower to maintain resolutions. Resolutions are an absolutely firm decision. It usually requires changing your life. I think at this point people start to realize how hard it is to change themselves after wishing other people would change. It’s really unfair to expect some people to change themselves when most can’t even keep their own New Year’s resolution. Which is why I’ve been set on intentions. We get so set in our routines or have a system that works, that it’s challenging to just go in and change things up, like go to the gym 5 days a week. There’ll be mornings where you might wake up and just automatically fall into your old morning routine and by the time you wake up enough to realize you need to go to the gym, it’s too late. And so it might continue. New Year’s intentions are intended to change your life.
