Weathering the Storm

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, those of us on the east coast are preparing for Hurricane Irma.

Most of us feel Houston’s pain and are hoping no one else has to go through it again. Fingers crossed for us on the east coast. Already two in Puerto Rico have lost their lives to this storm, this deadly storm is leaving many of us feeling dreaded. Miami evacuated and as of this morning, the new predicted route now includes Charleston. We might be facing another evacuation, just one year after Hurricane Matthew. I can tell you that the people of Charleston haven’t forgotten that. Even before this morning’s new route, we were out of water supplies last night at several stores.


Partial Hallway Reveal

As you will have gathered from the title of this post, I’m not quite ready to do a full blown out reveal of my entry hallway. A few more tweaks still needs to happen to reach my desired effect, but for now, I’m pretty satisfied with this set up/vignette. Without further ado, here’s my partial hallway reveal!


10 Things I Loved in August

This is not one of the things I loved about what happened in August; what Hurricane Harvey has done to Houston and its surrounding cities has absolutely blown me away. It’s one of those moments when you’re marveling over Mother Nature yet scared how she can change your life in a minute. Over 2,000 people needed to be rescued. It’s definitely another moment like this that really shines a light on what kind of community you live in and really get a chance to see so much kindness being shown.

One of my favorite bloggers, Paloma Contreras of La Dolce Vita, lives in Houston. My heart breaks for her that this is happening to her and her town. She’s put up a post to let us all know she’s doing well.
